Adultery Signs Your Spouse May be Cheating

You suspect that your spouse might be fooling around, but how can you be sure?
With Gen. David Petraeus’ recent scandal in mind, relationship expert Matt Titus stopped by “Dr. Drew” on Tuesday to talk about the warning signs that could point to a man’s infidelity.

1. The sexual frequency just plummets. There is no more sex
2. He gets very jumpy around email and cell phones. Tries to hide things when on the computer or phone
3. Mutual friends start disappearing, they don’t want to be around you guys and appear to be uncomfortable
4. Spouse might start talking about someone that you have never heard of but this person walks on water. They are wonderful.
5. Doesn’t like to have you near him in any way
6. Guilt Gifts and Compliments that you are not use to receiving
7. Begin to accuse you of cheating
8. Spouse will disappear with no explanation as to where they were. When asked they will give you an explanation that make no sense.

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