Paranormal Investigation

As true a paranormal investigator I get the opportunities to go into some great locations and see some unique artifacts while trying to obtain proof of life after death and the reasons for the phenomena that people are claiming to experience. I do try to debunk everything the best that I can and have a great group of people that I work with that each bring something to the table and try to find natural causes for what we experience. There are many ways to go from here but the point I would like to make right now is that the only thing we can count on is change.

Just like people change so do the locations, the investigators, the owners, the spirits, and the energy at these locations. There are places I’ve been that I have literally watched the energy and feeling of a place do a complete 180 in a matter of a couple months while others, they take time and after years of frequenting the location I just now notice that things aren’t what they once were. In reality however, we ourselves are not what we once were either. No matter what type of equipment we have or can borrow I find in most cases we are forgetting one major piece of the puzzle.

I’ve found that almost every investigation where I have found evidence of phenomena has had two key influences on the activity that happens there. The first being the spirits that reside or visit the location who have influence. Most people now are saying, “well duh!” but do you realize just how much influence they tend to have? Research has been done that would indicate that even though a spirit is not possessing you, they can dictate some of your actions and even emotions. This is a topic I myself have spent time researching and have had first hand experience dealing with but that will be for another time.

The second of the two, which I want to focus on now is the human element of a haunting. As much as a spirit can influence a situation, the people around the location can do much more. Anywhere you go you are always putting a little of yourself out there. Every day we are constantly releasing our energy into the space around us whether it be happy laughing, sad crying, or irate anger. Some people are sensitive to this and already know what I’m talking about when I mention the times you are in line at a grocery store, having a good day until the person in front of you is grumpy and grouchy and there went you happiness.

When we are asked to do a private investigation of a location we cover many things before we go in to the property. Members of our team will look into the history, others will cover the types of reported claims, and another will interview or question about the family or people involved. This is done for many reasons with one being so that we know what we are getting into when we do arrive and the general environment we are going to be placing ourselves in during the investigation. This helps so that we know if it’s a generally positive, negative or neutral place to be as far as the energy of the area.

Thoughts are things and all day everyday not only do our thoughts have an impact but so do others around you. When I walk into an investigation my team are all pretty much on the same page during that time and I have had times when those around have told me they didn’t feel they were in the right place for it and have passed on a night or case all together. I commend them on that because they didn’t want to knowingly negatively affect the investigation. To do real research and to try to get the best results this is what we feel we need to do. However, this is not always what you get.

With “ghost hunting” still being the rage, everywhere you turn you have the thrill seekers that are there to get spooked by a real ghost. I have, and I’m sure others have as well have dealt with what I call the “demon hunters” which I feel is the worst type of thrill seeker. These are the people where everything is a demon or even nowhere is haunted unless it is a violent and nasty experience. These people will even go out on an investigation and attempt to stir things up to get to what they were looking for in the first place not with the thought of the people who have to live there or work there in mind but just their selfish wants.

I can go on a long winded rant about this but instead I will just repeat what I always say when hearing about this activity, If you go looking for a demon one day you will find it! Please remember especially as we head into the Halloween season that if you are looking to investigate the paranormal make sure you have a good group going in and know your group & surroundings. Unfortunately there are a lot of locations that only open this time of year for public ghost hunts so keep in mind the thoughts and attitudes you and those around you are putting out there. No matter what time of year, if your just looking for a quick thrill . . . . . . . . I’m sure there are great Haunted House attractions around

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