A Breathitt county woman faces murder charges after a summer crash that left three people dead. Billie Caudill was arraigned in court Wednesday where she pleaded not guilty to three counts of murder and driving under the influence.
Adrienne Sizemore’s brother, Danny Caudill, was killed in that car crash that took the lives of two other people as well. Now Danny’s wife faces three counts of murder for their deaths.
“Justice has been served for not only my family but for the Belcher family too,” said Sizemore.
The crash happened near the Perry-Breathitt county line on July 3. Officials say 30-year-old Billie Caudill was driving under the influence when she crossed the center line and hit a truck head on. 70 year-old William Belcher and his wife, Lillie, also died in the crash.
“She deserves to be where she’s at. And I’m just really glad she is,” said Sizemore.
She says the indictment brings peace to her family who have been struggling since Danny’s death. Her brother is survived by a son, who Sizemore says is the youngest victim of this crime.
“He will know his daddy was loved. His daddy loved him. He will. Every bit and piece of his dad,” said Sizemore.
With the case expected to head to trial, Sizemore will be in court every day to make sure justice is served. And as she prepares, a piece of advice from her brother helps her carry on.
“He said, ‘eventually everything will come the way it’s supposed to.’ And now I can honestly say it has come the way it’s supposed to because she’s in jail, she’s behind bars and I don’t have to worry about her no more,” said Sizemore.
A grand jury indicted Billie Caudill on Friday. She’s also accused of driving on a suspended or revoked license.