Fraud Investigation Two Arrested in Fake Checks Scam

Police in Lexington say they have put a dent in a crime ring they say could stretch across the south.

Marcus Farris and Wanda Edwards have been charged in the case, accused of passing fake checks.

The investigation started when a Lexington construction company noticed withdrawals from their account on checks they didn’t write. They say someone passed fake checks to three banks in Lexington and one in Louisville, each time cashing the check under a fake identity.

Detectives say someone saw through the scam on a fifth try and called police.

“One of the bank tellers caught on and when they knew that something wasn’t quite right. So they actually held the ID, called the police while the suspect thought they were waiting for their money and when police arrived, they were able to detain and arrest two individuals with this crime,” said detective Jason Rothermund.

Investigators believe Farris and Edwards may be part of a bigger crime ring across the south.

If you have any tips, call the Crime Stoppers tipline at 859-253-2020.

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