Private Detective: Lexington Police Are Searching for Package Thief

Lexington Police are looking for a possible package thief and warning everyone to be cautious.

A witness spotted the theft as it happened on the 3600 block of Windfair Lane.

The witness says a man in a red car appeared to be following a UPS driver through this neighborhood yesterday. It appeared as if the man waited until the driver dropped off a package where nobody was home. Then he made his move.

“Why somebody do that kind of thing?” says resident Akemi Krill, who says the Christmas present her husband ordered was stolen.

Akemi was not home at the time, but her neighbor across the street was.

“We wouldn’t think that anything like that could really happen in your neighborhood, but it does,” says Akemi.

Jenna Gudalis also received a package. She managed to retrieve it from the porch, but not before her son noticed a man following the mail truck.

“I noticed I had a package on the front porch, so I picked up my package and just went inside, and I had my son home from school, and he looked out the window and saw a car pull up after the truck pulled away,” says Gudalis.

Her son told her that he saw a man in a hood in an older red car scanning the neighborhood. He also says the man was even looking through windows before taking off with the package.

They called the police about the theft.

Anyone with information on the UPS package theft is asked to call Lexington Police.

Friday, Lexington police picked up a man suspected of similar thefts during a surveillance operation. However they can’t yet say if the cases are connected.

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