Private Detective: Lexington Police Seeing Increase in New Drug ‘Serenity’

Police say they’re seeing an increase in a dangerous marijuana substitute around town.

It’s called serenity and it often causes people to do things they normally wouldn’t.

Whether it’s called serenity, spice, K-2, or incense, police say they are seeing it around our area a lot more lately — along with the dangerous side effects.

On Saturday, police responded to a man with a bad reaction to the drug, who was in the middle of an intersection on all fours, growling and screaming at people.

We also showed you video of another incident recently where a man fought Lexington Police officers while high on the drug.

In that altercation he also smashed his head through a glass window.

Police say they now respond to several calls a day involving the synthetic drug.

They see the most use with the homeless population and teens.

Officers want to combat this recent trend because the marijuana substitute is illegal and dangerous

“We have Narcan to treat heroin addicts, we have different things that ourselves and the paramedics can use for other narcotics. We don’t have that for serenity, so it pretty much has to come out of your system,” said Lt. Jackie Newman with Lexington Police.

Police say the growing popularity of the drug is not just a local trend, but a national one.

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