Missing Person Jamie Wilkes of Meridian, Mississippi

A Meridian family is making a plea for help in locating their missing loved one. Jamie Wilkes, who’s 34 and a mother of four, has been missing since March 2nd.

Wilkes was last seen around 3 PM on that day. At the time she was seen walking alone down 64th Avenue from her mother-in-law’s house. Jamie is bi-polar and suffers from schizophrenia. Her loved ones say it was not unusual for Jamie to take walks alone.


Around 30 minutes after leaving the house Jamie was allegedly spotted on 5th. Street.

‘I found a guy who had seen her on 5th Street who said she was talking to herself and he thought she was high. She would talk to herself when she was off her ‘meds’,” says Jamie’s husband, Justin Wilkes.

Since last seeing her, Jamie’s father says the family has learned that Jamie had not been taking her required medication for almost a month.

‘She needs her ‘meds’ bad,” says Bubba Bryant.

Around 5:30 on March 2nd. Jamie was allegedly spotted in the Meridian Crossroads Shopping Center walking near Chili’s restaurant toward the Honey Baked Ham Store. That’s the last report of her being spotted.

“I’ve looked everywhere; I have,” says Justin Wilkes. “I’ve walked where I was told that she walked. I’ve talked to everybody I know and everyone that she knows.”

Family members say that Jamie has very distinct features. For example: her hair is light brown on the top, but the back layer is dyed blond with very faint pink streaks. Also, in the middle portion of her ear they say that she would always wear a very small hoop earring that was perhaps dark silver in color. Plus, all of Jamie’s teeth were recently removed. When she left, they say she was not wearing the bottom set.

“I’m a single father with four little girls. I can’t replace the mother. I lost my best friend. I just want to know that she’s ok,” says Justin Wilkes.

“Jamie baby, you’ve got two little kids at home that keep asking for you and we’re running out of stuff to tell’em about where you are,” says Bryant. “So Jamie, please come home. We love you and we want you home.”

Jamie Wilkes is 5 “2” and 115 pounds. She has multiple tattoos and was last seen wearing blue jeans, a dark gray racing hoodie with a checkered design and black and gray tennis shoes with a bright pink stripe. Anyone with information on where Jamie Wilkes can be found is asked to call: (601) 986-8649, (601) 490-2591 or (601) 482-1481.

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