Wrongful Death Bardstown Police Officer Shot

The investigation continues into the shooting death of Bardstown Police officer, Jason Ellis.

33-year-old Ellis was shot multiple times Saturday morning on the Bluegrass Parkway. He was found by his car on exit 34 just after 2:30.

The Nelson County Coroner says Ellis was shot with a shotgun.


Police say Ellis was on his way home when he stopped his car on the exit ramp to remove some brush.

Ellis was the first Bardstown Police officer to be killed in the line of duty.

“We won’t give up until we have him in custody or in the front sight of one of our weapons. I personally hope the latter is the choice,” says Bardstown Police Chief Rick McCubbin.

According to the Nelson County coroner, Officer Jason Ellis was in the front sight of a 12-gage shotgun. The coroner says whomever shot Officer Ellis was on a hill overlooking exit 34 of the Bluegrass Parkway. The coroner believes Ellis was ambushed, his service weapon was still holstered.

“Why would somebody do something like this? It’s just, it’s not right. It’s a sad day,” says John Ferguson, a friend of Officer Ellis.

Ferguson was one of many who showed up to watch the procession of police vehicles, as they followed the body of Ellis as he was taken from the crime scene to the medical examiner’s office.

Amidst the roar of engines and the noise of unanswered questions came a moment of silence; a day where hugs from emergency responders spoke louder than words. “Somebody doing his job and then he got ambushed like that it just isn’t right,” says Ferguson.

Those who knew Officer Ellis say the 7-year-veteran did everything you would expect an officer to do, like be there for his community. Now, his community is there for him.

Ellis was the department’s only K9 officer. Ellis leaves behind a wife and two sons.

Funeral arrangements are pending.

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