On Monday, September 23, 2013 the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office was contacted shortly after 6 p.m., regarding a welfare check on a 57-year-old resident of Hixton who has not been heard from for some time.
Initial information gathered by authorities, revealed that BRIAN HELGESON had not been heard from for over a week and family was becoming concerned. BRIAN HELGESON also shared his residence with his 20-year-old son, LARS HELGESON. The caller, a family member, stated that she had drove out to the residence to check on BRIAN and received no answer at the door.
The complainant told authorities that when she looked into a window of the home she saw a person crouching down and attempting to avoid detection. The complainant immediately left the residence and notified authorities.
Jackson County deputies immediately responded to the residence and also received no answer. The Sheriff’s Office activated that department’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) and subsequently found no one inside the residence or initial evidence of foul play.
Concerns were also evident to the welfare of LARS HELGESON as this party was not on the property as well. Investigating deputies were however able to establish through a series of interviews that LARS HELGESON is safe based upon recent contact(s) with friends.
Authorities at this time have been unable to find LARS HELGESON. He has made no effort to contact law enforcement and reports indicate that LARS may be mentally unstable. Reports also indicate that LARS HELGESON is armed with two firearms.
LARS HELGESON is being considered a person of interest in this investigation. Authorities based on the information they have collected believe LARS HELGESON is armed and should not be approached by anyone other than law enforcement officials.
Jackson County Sheriff Duane Waldera did state that this is an active missing person’s investigation and that foul play has not been ruled out at this time.
LARS HELGESON may be operating a reported stolen vehicle, a 1980 Chevy Suburban with plate 589DEW. That vehicle is brown in color.
Sheriff Waldera urges anyone with information as to the whereabouts of BRIAN HELGESON or LARS HELGESON to immediately contact the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office at 1-715-284-5357.
This is an ongoing investigation. Further information regarding this incident will be forthcoming, once information becomes available.
No photos are available at this time.