Missing person baby lisa case figure arrested

GLADSTONE, Mo. – He’s been a mystery man of sorts in the Baby Lisa Irwin case, and now Clay County prosecutors have him in jail, but not for any charges related to this case.


Prosecutors say Dane Greathouse, or “Diggler”, has been arrested for allegedly stabbing another man Saturday.

In a probable cause statement, Gladstone police say it happened at Vienna Square Apartments near NE 64th and North Oak. The statement said 28-year-old Greathouse and 31-year-old Greg R. May got into an argument that turned physical. It said Greathouse took out a pocket knife and stabbed May with the tip of it.

May was found in the AMF Bowling Center Parking lot nearby. He was then taken to a local medical center where he underwent surgery for his injuries. He is in stable and in fair condition.

The statement read the pair had known each other only for a few months and May claimed Greathouse stole some items from his car.

The news is hardly surprising to private investigator Ron Rugen, who has tried talking to Greathouse for his independent Irwin investigation.

“When I was trying to get him to make himself irrelevant and talk about what was going on that night, he texted me back and said that he would talk to me for a tank full of gas everyday and $100,000 in ‘benjamins’,” said Rugen.

Rugen said Greathouse was seen using a cell phone that got a call by an alleged stolen phone that belonged to Deborah Bradley, baby Lisa’s mother, the night she disappeared.

But Rugen said he’s confirmed Greathouse was an irrelevant bystander.

“Yes, he was using this phone, but I’ve since been granted access to Megan Wright’s cell records and that phone call never went through. There was no incoming phone call to that phone at 11:57 p.m.,” said Rugen.

Rugen says there are only two ways to get answers in this case, as much as he does not like to sound cold.

“Loose lips or a body,” he said.

Clay county prosecutors have charged Greathouse with one count of assault and one county of armed criminal action. His bond is set at $175,000.

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