Missing Person Phoenix Coldon Refuse to Give Up

Lake St. Louis, MO (KSDK) – They’ve spent their life savings, stand to lose their home, and have endured cruel hoaxes from people trying to capitalize on their pain, but the parents of 23-year-old Phoenix Coldon refuse to give up hope of finding their daughter.

They have literally been in the trenches searching for their daughter.

“I said my baby’s not out here in these weeds. She’s not in these weeds. She’s not. But I did it anyway,” said her mother Goldia Coldon.


On December 18th, the day she disappeared, Phoenix Coldon went to church, to the grocery store, and played basketball in the driveway.

She left her home in Spanish Lake around 3 p.m. Her SUV was found in East St. Louis about 5:30.

“That is the big mystery. That two and a half hours,” said her father.

While St. Louis County Police and East St. Louis Police say there are no new leads, the family refuses to accept that.

They’ve spent their mortgage money to hire a private investigator.

Now their house has gone into foreclosure. It will be auctioned in June.

“It’s a house. There are other houses. There’s a lot of houses. There’s one Phoenix,” said Goldia.

And so they’ve checked out every lead, every sighting of their daughter. One in Texas turned out to be a particularly cruel lie.

“A hoax. I mean he fabricated the whole thing,” said Goldia.

But the family says they’re not deterred.

“No matter how long it takes or what it takes, we’ll continue to look for our daughter,” said Lawrence.

The Coldons say Phoenix had been distant in the months before she disappeared and had failed to enroll in her classes at UMSL.

They don’t know what was wrong. But they say whatever happened, she left her clothes behind, and her glasses were found in her car.

Her family believes she is out there somewhere, alive.

“The lord hasn’t taken Phoenix from this earth. He hasn’t. He hasn’t,” said Goldia.

The family has just started handing out palm size cards with Phoenix’s picture and a new tip line on them. They plan on handing them out in East St. Louis Wednesday night.

Anyone with information can call the Coldons at 314-653-6606, Detective Vogel with St. Louis County Police at 314-615-8630, or the new anonymous tip Line the family has set up is at 305-482-3771.

Anyone who’d like to contribute to help find Phoenix can donate through PayPal@04LM.com or at any Region’s Bank.

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